Fernand Debonnaires – “Nu Féminin Debout”

Fernand Debonnaires was a Belgian sculptor and painter who studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. He graduated in 1926 and had early success and his sculptures were purchased by museums before 1930. He took part in the world exhibition in Brussels in 1935, in Paris in 1937 and in New York in 1939. He is known for his large Romanesque-inspired madonnas for the church in Tournai (1939) and the abbey of Orval (1948).
Another public commission is the memorial to the resistance of railway workers in Brussels Central Station (1954).
His free works of smaller format have a sober character.
The statues in plaster and terracotta are particularly strong, which was the material with which the artist could express himself well.
After firing, the statues were often patinated.

This statue made of plaster of an upright woman has a white patina.
It has a fairly sober appearance. She has folded both arms above her head and looks boldly out into the world. The face is also depicted with some simple lines.
The statue rests on a hard granite base.


Fernand Debonnaires (1907-1997)


74cm / 29"



Signature / Marks


Object no.: 12351 Category: